Please note that the price may vary depending on the type of blouse.
Blouses come in great varieties and can be made of delicate fabrics. Therefore, washing or cleaning of blouses should be done with utmost care and caution.
This is where it is especially important to pay attention to the instructions on the attached care label that are designed to ensure that your items stay in great shape. Always check the care labels to select the correct washing or dry cleaning methods for your blouses.
As a general rule, women’s blouses and tops should be washed or cleaned after every wearing. The stylish and dressy blouses particularly should be cleaned after each wear even if you don’t wear them often. Otherwise, you might find them stained or with a specific odor a few months later when you’re ready to wear them again. Older stains are harder to remove.
Give your blouses to our experts to handle with care and attention. They know how to deal with each type of fabric and make.
Schedule a pick up Call Us: +1 (323) 970-9707