
How Often Should You Do Household Cleaning?

It’s not a secret that the more dirt in the household, the worse for our organism, physical well-being, and mental health. At the same time, too much cleaning isn’t good either. The good news is that you don’t need to do daily cleaning of household items. There is a special rhythm to vacuuming, area rug cleaning, curtain washing, etc. We have gathered some tips on handling household cleaning items.

Here we go.

How often should you vacuum the floor?

If you don’t have kids and pets, vacuuming the house once a week is quite sufficient. It also depends on which area you live in. If you are surrounded by a construction area full of dust and sand, you had better vacuum the house once every 2-3 days. 

How often should you clean the area rugs?

As a general rule the area rugs need to be cleaned once a year. Although a variety of factors may change this. If you have an area rug made from a delicate, fragile material, try to pay more attention to it. If you are cleaning your area rugs on your own, it is important to buy a high-quality household cleaning supply. 

Why do you need to clean your rugs regularly?

  • That way you will help your rug live a longer life,
  • Vacuuming the dry soil or dirt as soon as possible help you to get rid of them and avoid a color change of the rug,
  • Rug cleaning removes stains and spots, which can attract more soiling,
  • A well-cleaned rug is a great part of interior design and even a small spot can ruin the whole impression of the room.

There are several more reasons why area rugs are one of the most essential household items for cleaning, but these were the ones that needed highlighting. If you choose to have your area rugs cleaned, make sure the cleaning service staff are experienced in handling different types of fabrics.

Let’s go on with some other household items that need regular cleaning.

What about curtains?

Curtains are an amazing part of an interior and they need to be cleaned quite often too. We know that even the mere thought of having to take them down, wash or dry clean and then hang them can seem overwhelming. But how would you feel if you knew that curtains can facilitate the growth of mold and mildew or harbor dust mites? As a result of this, someone in your house may start suffering from respiratory issues and allergic reactions.

As curtains are made of fabric, they are also prone to absorbing household odors. If you are washing the curtains by yourself, check the label carefully before any action. Curtains are very sensitive to mechanical action, temperature changes, and detergents. That’s why you had better use quality detergents when you are washing your curtains or just use a professional cleaning service. Curtains or drapes that have a standard blackout lining, or any borders or pleats, will need to be professionally cleaned to ensure they are not damaged. 


Washing pillows is a household task we often forget about or just put off simply because we are often not quite sure how to do it. But washing a pillow is a cleaning chore you absolutely shouldn’t be skipping in order to maintain a healthy bedroom. It is actually one of the most important household cleaning items.

If the pillow has been exposed to sweat, oils, or other contaminants, or if you are allergic, they have to be washed once in 3 months taking into consideration the care label instructions. 

Synthetic pillows made can be washed more frequently and can withstand higher temperatures in the washing machine, but natural down or feather pillows may require dry cleaning and delicate care in general. When you finish washing the pillow make sure there is no soap residue on it. If there is, you will need to wash it again. 

These were some of the household cleaning items and tips about cleaning them. Luckily, here at O’Dry Cleaners our staff are experts in cleaning all types of household items. Feel free to contact us whenever you need a professional cleaning service.